Our Capabilities

Brunswick offers a full range of book development services for the educational publishing industry, delivering creative solutions and seamless project management. With extensive experience in disciplines including science, social studies, health, reading, and literature, we have the capabilities to produce all components of K through 12 programs, including pupil editions, teacher's editions, test prep, assessment materials, reference books and a full complement of ancillaries.

Project management

Our commitment to professional, timely and cost-effective project management begins with clear, up-to-the-minute communication between all members of the team, whether in-house or external to our organization. With that teamwork model in place, our project managers oversee the process from launch through publication, hiring and supervising vendors, implementing work flow procedures, overseeing quality, monitoring production schedules and managing budgets.


Our production professionals will manage all aspects of electronic production, disk preparation, and file management. Our extensive experience with the K4 Publishing System makes state customization one of our specialties.

Editorial development

Our seasoned and knowledgeable editors draw on their extensive experience in educational publishing to develop accurate, informative and compelling content for K through 12 programs in line with current state and national curriculum standards and guidelines. In addition to writing text, editors provide outlining and research as well as all stages of editorial management, from editing and copyediting to fact checking and proofreading.

Photo research, proofreading, indexing, and more

We have an extensive network of experienced partners that we can draw on to meet the needs of any project.


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